Your hub for administration. Central allows you to run your circulation desk with ease. Fines, collection management, cataloging, reporting, barcode and ID creation, and patron management are housed in one place.

Your hub for administration. Central allows you to run your circulation desk with ease. Fines, collection management, cataloging, reporting, barcode and ID creation, and patron management are housed in one place.
Download free MARC records from our preconfigured list of over 300 libraries. Connect and search multiple libraries at once. View and edit the MARC record prior to export and save records to a standard MARC for importation into any library automation system.
Our free companion app enables you to perform circulation duties such as, check-in/outs, renewals, and patron status checks from virtually any mobile device. Plus, connect your mobile device to a barcode scanner via Bluetooth.
Skip importing and exporting files, with SIP Server your information is always live. Patron username and password changes are updated instantly within the e-book system. Account Status is honored, so your SIP server will know if e-book check-outs should be denied due to expired/disabled patron accounts, too many overdue items, or fines.
Save time by allowing patrons to check in/out materials and see basic account information from a stand-alone PC or touch screen kiosk.
Add more functionality to your system when you pair Surpass with our portable barcode scanners. Expand your inventory features with partial scans and batch functions, track circulation by scanning materials before they return to the shelf, and provide remote check-in when you place a scanner at your drop box.
Allow patrons to search, check for availability, save items to a personal book-bag, and reserve materials. Easily create interactive experiences with cover images, detailed reviews, author notes, and an Awards & Honors section.