Support for Your ILS
Introduction Sooner or later, you will find that you need help with a library task, such as...
“Weeding” Your Collection
Introduction “Weeding” is a task that some library workers avoid, and others do with enthusiasm....
Growing Your Collections
Introduction Libraries grow their collections continuously, adding new items as they are purchased...
What’s Next? Books in a Series
Introduction Series of books are very popular with library users. Some need to be read in order so...
Using Your ILS to Help Create Blog Posts
Introduction It can be a challenge thinking up new topics for blog posts, and I’m sure you have...
How to Use Your OPAC to Support Information Literacy
What is information literacy? Information literacy is the set of abilities that are required to...
The Numbers Game: Why Library Statistics are Important
Introduction Throughout the year, you will be called upon to provide different library statistics...
Your ILS and Library Displays
Your ILS and Library Displays Introduction A fun way to promote parts of your...
Using your ILS and OPAC to Publicize Events
Using your ILS and OPAC to Publicize Events Publicity is Important You know that one...